Saturday, July 5, 2014

Introduction to computer

Computer :

        Computers are everywhere-at home, at work and at school. Activities such as learning to read finding a job,looking up a product, or planning a trip, could invovle the use of computers.

*A home computer, you can balance your checkbook, pay bills track personal income and expenses, transfer funds, buy or sell stocks and evaluate financial plans.
*At the grocery store computer tracks your purchases and calculates the amount of money you owe.
*In office, People use computers to create correspondence such as memos and letters, calculate payroll,
  track inventory, and generate invoices.
*Both schools and homes have computers for educational purposes.
*Teachers use them to assist with the instruction, Students complete assignments and do research on computers in lab rooms and at home.
* The computer  also used for entertainment like play games, listen to music watch a movie, read a book or magazine, compose a video, re-touch a photograph, or plan a vacation. People use computers as a source of communication.

Tags : Introduction to computers, Computers, What is the computers

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