Saturday, June 14, 2014

Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

Characteristics of an Entrepreneur :

                1. Hard work
                2. Business Acumen and sincerity
                3. Prudence
                4. Achievement Motivation

1. Hard work :
           A successful entrepreneur is one who is willing to work hard from the
           very beginning of his enterprise. An entrepreneur with his tenacity 
           and hard work and pervasive perseverance can revive his business even 
           from on the verge of  collapse.

2. Business Acumen and sincerity :
         Business Acumen stands for shrewdness and ability. Again the
         success of an enterprise.            

3. Prudence :

         He should have the ability to work out the details of the venture
         from all angles, assess  the favourable factors and Pitfalls and
         take suitable measures to overcome the pitfalls.

4.  Achievement Motivation :

         The achievement motivation is the most important characteristic of an
         entrepreneur since all other characteristics emanate from this motivation.

Tags : Entrepreneurship development, Characteristics of an entrepreneur

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