Saturday, June 14, 2014

Entrepreneur vs manager

Entrepreneur vs Manager :

     Entrepreneur :

           * Owner : An entrepreneur is the owner of the
              enterprise which he establishes himself.

          * Profit :  The reward for an entrepreneur is profit.
             which is highly uncertain.

         * Full risk bearing : As a owner, the entrepreneur has to
            bear all risks and uncertainties involved in running
            the business.

         * All functions : An entrepreneur has to perform many functions
            in order to run the enterprise successfully.
        * Innovator : An entrepreneur mainly acts as an innovator and
           prepares plans for execution.

Manager :

       * Servant : A manager is acting in the capacity of a servent
          in the enerprise.

     * Salary : The reward for a manager is salary and his salary
        is certain and fixed.

    * No risk bearing : As a servant the manager need not bear
       any risk involved in the enterprise.
     * Managerial functions only : A Manager renders only
        the managerial services in an enterprise.
    * Executor : A Manager mainly acts as an executor of 
       plans prepared by the entrepreneur

  Tags : difference between Entrepreneur and manager, Entrepreneur vs manager

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